Using Zapiet (Pickup + Delivery) app with Simple Bundles

The Zapiet Pickup + Delivery app integrates seamlessly with the Simple Bundles app, making it easy for you to offer flexible fulfillment options for pickup and delivery to your customers. Whether you're using Simple Bundles 2.0 or 1.0, the integration works out of the box without the need for any additional configuration.

Simple Bundles 2.0

In Simple Bundles 2.0, the _ZapietId property from the parent bundle is automatically passed down to the child components in the Shopify order admin. This allows Zapiet to accurately calculate delivery and pickup rates, as well as other relevant details, for the entire bundle.

_ZapietId is added to the bundle child components in the order

Simple Bundles 1.0

Even if you're using the original Simple Bundles 1.0 version, the Zapiet integration will still work seamlessly. The parent bundle remains in the orders with the _ZapietId , enabling Zapiet to continue calculating accurate delivery and pickup details.

This integration works for both single SKU configurations (inventory edits) and multi-SKU configurations (order edits with $0 bundle child contents).

_ZapietId remains on the parent bundle in Simple Bundles 1.0

By integrating Zapiet with Simple Bundles, you can provide your customers with a range of convenient fulfillment options. Shoppers can choose to have their entire bundle delivered locally or picked up at your physical store.

To get started, simply install the Zapiet Pickup + Delivery app from the Shopify App Store. There's no additional setup required to integrate with Simple Bundles - the integration just works out of the box. To learn more about the Zapier + Simple Bundles integration, check out the Zapiet help docs.

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