How can I hide "Simple Bundle" discount tags on customer orders?

Use JavaScript to hide the bundle contents on a customer's status pages

If you would like to hide the Simple Bundles discount tag that is part of bundle items, you can do so by modifying the Additional scripts on your status page.

1. Navigate to the Settings page.

2. Click on the Checkout section on the page.

3. Scroll down to Additional Scripts section.

Add the following code to the Additional scripts section:

<style>.notice.notice--info, .notice.notice--warning{display: none}</style><script>function removeBundleItemsSbTag(){var e=document.querySelectorAll("[data-product-id]");for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++){var n=e[t];n.innerText.includes("SIMPLE BUNDLES:")&&(n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace("SIMPLE BUNDLES: ",""))}}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",removeBundleItemsSbTag),document.querySelector(".order-summary-toggle").addEventListener("click",function(){setTimeout(removeBundleItemsSbTag,100)});;</script>

Once added, your bundle items' "Simple Bundles" tags should be removed from the order status page that customers can view after the order is placed.

Before adding the additional scripts

After adding the additional scripts

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