Upsell multi-SKU bundles using post-purchase apps ft. Checkout Promotions and Upsells

You can utilize any post-purchase apps on the app store to make even more sales with insightful product suggestions. For this example, we will be using Checkout Promotions and Upsells to setup the post-purchase upsell.

1. Create your bundle in Shopify and add the bundle to Simple Bundles.

2. Add the products to each bundle variant in Simple Bundles.

3. Once you bundle is set up, navigate to the Checkout Promotions and Upsells app in Shopify:

4. Create a new promotion, add the bundle as an offer created in the previous steps.

5. Make sure to enable the promotion as a Post purchase page and you should be all set.

Now when customers buy a product and the eligibility triggers match the current conditions, the bundle upsell will be displayed after checkout. If the customer buys the upsell bundle, this will be added to your order along with all the products inside the bundle.

After the payments are processed, bundle items are also added to the order

You can also choose to have the bundle SKU fulfilled automatically from the preferences page. If you have any questions, reach out to our team over chat or email.

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